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Masafumi Rio Oda


After learned arts learning in Seijo University, enrolled in Department of Philosophy, Sophia University. Having got master's degree by writing a master's thesis about Deleuze’s philosophy. After graduated, crossing between academic philological studies and investigation of philosophically unique position of myself, and trying to output these results as performance, electronic music, digital video work, and recently, "Application Art". My definitive theme is "a multiplicity (multimedia) of radical duality". Treating software, hardware, digital, analog, abstract concept, concrete proper noun and so on completely flatly, then trying to reveal completely new “figure” of them via works and performances under the relationship between “continuity” and “discreteness”. Playing electronic sounds as a member of “Empty-Action”, an avantgarde musical unit produced by Koji Kawai. Collaborated with Ichi Ikeda, a worldwide Land-art artist, playing electronic sounds outdoors at Yakushima- island, Japan, on November 11th, 2017. This outdoor session was edited by myself and released as CD. Releasing first solo CD album on 2019, 2nd CD album on 2020. My audio-visual work “Nostalgia Mass” was selected at the 2019 ElectroAcousticMiniFest at Washington State University. My electro-acoustic work “Fragile Water” was selected at eviMus 6. Saarbrücker Tage für elektroakustische und visuelle Musik 2019. My audio-visual work “Hell of Light” was selected at Thailand New Music and Arts Symposium 2020.  My electro-acoustic work "Laugh In Void II" was selected by NOUS RECORDS, a British label of contemporary music. My audio-visual work "Festival of Things-in-Themselves Ⅱ" and "Festival of Things-in-Themselves Ⅲ" are chosen as Finalists by Italian competition "Città di Udine" of Taukay Edizioni Musicali.  My audio-visual work "the vulgar and the holy" was selected at The New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2021. My audio-visual work "the vulgar and the holy Ⅲ" was chosen as a finalist at The Red Jasper Award and selected at Triennale Chikugo 2020 Public Offerings Exhibition “Digital Art Works”(Japan) and International Computer Music Conference 2021(Chile). My audio-visual work "Generating Scenic Beauty" was selected at Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2021(Korea).  My audio-visual work "Radical Duality Ⅱ" was awarded 3rd Prize at International Electronic Music Competition 2021 (China).  My electro-acoustic work "from an ordinary tone" was selected at 5th Annual RESEARCH ON CONTEMPORARY COMPOSITION CONFERENCE (University of North Georgia). My audio-visual work "Radical Duality Ⅲ" was selected at “Audiovisual Frontiers”, hosted by University of California. My audio-visual work "from an ordinary tone" was selected at 7th Ryogoku Art Festival 2022(Japan). My audio-visual work "Radical Duality Ⅳ" became the winner of Penn State Living Music 2022, hosted by The Pennsylvania State University. My audio-visual work "Monster in Monster itself" and "Timeless City Sounds Rhythmic Ⅷ" were selected and exhibited at  "Form 2022", CICA museum(Korea). My audio-visual work "Psychedelic Circuit" was selected at 6th Annual RESEARCH ON CONTEMPORARY COMPOSITION CONFERENCE (University of North Georgia). My electro-acoustic work "Radical Duality Ⅴ" was chosen as a finalist at International Electronic Music Competition 2022 (China). My electro-acoustic work "Noble Soul" was selected at CCMC 2023 (Japan). My audio-visual work "Digital Warmth Ⅲ" was selected at TURN UP Multimedia Festival 2023. My audio-visual work "Digital Warmth" was selected at the 7th New Music on the Bayou Festival 2023. Held Solo Exhibition at CICA New Media Art Conference 2023 (Korea). My electro-acoustic work "Anti-Automationism" is selected at "Electronica Digital Music Focus" hosted by Anton Bruckner University and "World (New) Music Days" hosted by International Society for Contemporary Music. My electro-acoustic work "Radical Duality Ⅳ" was awarded Special Prize at 3rd Ise-Shima International Composition Competition. My audio-visual work "Digital Hymn" was selected at Internationales Digitalkunst Festival 2023 (Germany). My short experimental film "Dear your beauty" was selected at "Puntomov 2023", an international video art festival (Mexico).  My electro-acoustic work "circulation in and for turbulence Ⅳ" was released by Ablaze Record . My electro-acoustic work "turbulence of time" is premiered as a part of Ars Electronica Festival 2024. My electro-acoustic work "turbulence of time Ⅱ" won 2nd prize at the 34th International Music Competition "Città di Barletta" (Italy). My audio-visual work "Digital Hymn Ⅱ" and "de-synthesis"were selected at ON SCREEN FESTIVAL 2024 (Austria). My audio-visual work "La Passion Avant gardiste" was selected at 5º Festival Internacional de Videodança - FIVRS 2024 (Brasil).

My Performance "Vertigo Ⅲ" was selected at 26th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2024 (Serbia). My electroacoustic piece "Hyper-real Landscape" won 3rd Prize at Landscape2024 (Italy). Participated in many international music and art festivals with music, audio-visual pieces, performances, films and paper presentations. A member of ASCAP and Japanese Society for Electronic Music.



上智大学大学院哲学研究科にてドゥルーズについての修士論文で修士号取得。その後もアカデミックな哲学文献研究と自身によるユニークな哲学的立場の追求との間を自由に横断しながら、電子音楽やCG映像、アプリケーション開発といった形でその実践ないしアウトプットを試みている。決定的なテーマは「根源的な二元性から成る多様体(マルチメディア)」である。ソフトウェア、ハードウェア、デジタル、アナログ、抽象的概念、具体的固有名…「連続」と「離散」という関係の下で、これら全てをフラットに扱い、そのことで全く新しい「形態」を現出させる作品・パフォーマンス・システム設計を志向している。河合孝治氏プロデュース兼メンバーの音楽ユニット「空観無為」にて電子音響を担当。2017年、世界的なランド・アーティスト池田一氏と、屋久島でコラボレーションし、野外でセッションを行った。この野外セッションは織田自身によって編集され、CDとして販売されている。また2019年に初のソロCD、2020年にソロ2ndCDを発売をフリージャズの老舗レーベルChap Chap Recordsより発売。ワシントン州立大学主催電子音楽祭2019にて映像作品「Nostalgia Mass」入選。同年ドイツeviMus主催の電子音楽祭にて5.0chサラウンド電子音楽作品「Fragile Water」入選。タイ・ニューミュージック&アートシンポジウム2020にて映像作品「Hell of Light」入選、期間中Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC)にて展示。同年、電子音楽作品「Laugh In Void II」がイギリスの現代音楽レーベルNOUS RECORDS第一回コンペティション入選、リリース。同年、映像作品「Festival of Things-in-Themselves Ⅱ」および「Festival of Things-in-Themselves Ⅲ」の二作品がイタリアTaukay Edizioni Musicali主催映像作品コンクールでファイナリスト選出。The New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2021にて映像作品「the vulgar and the holy 」入選。トリエンナーレCHIKUGO 2020「デジタルアート作品公募展」、およびInternational Computer Music Conference 2021(チリ)にて映像作品「the vulgar and the holy Ⅲ」入選、またThe Red Jasper Awardにてファイナリスト選出。ソウル国際電子音楽祭2021にて映像作品「Generating Scenic Beauty」入選。国際電子音楽コンクール2021(中国)にて映像作品「Radical Duality Ⅱ」3位入賞。カルフォルニア大学主催・映像芸術祭“Audiovisual Frontiers”にて映像作品"Radical Duality Ⅲ"入選。北ジョージア大学現代作曲会議2021にて電子音楽作品「from an ordinary tone」入選。第七回両国アートフェスティバル2022にて映像作品「from an ordinary tone」入選。ペンシルバニア州立大学主催音楽祭2022にて映像作品「Radical Duality Ⅳ」優勝。韓国現代美術館CICA「Form 2022」展にて映像作品2作品展示。北ジョージア大学現代作曲会議2022にて映像作品「Psychedelic Circuit」入選。国際電子音楽コンクール2022(中国)にて電子音楽作品「Radical Duality Ⅴ」ファイナリスト選出。CCMC2023にて電子音楽作品「Noble Soul」入選。アリゾナ大学TURN UP Multimedia Festival 2023にて映像作品「Digital Warmth Ⅲ」入選。the 7th New Music on the Bayou Festivalにて映像作品「Digital Warmth」入選。CICA New Media Art Conference 2023 (韓国)にて個展開催。私立アントン・ブルックナー大学(オーストリア)にて電子音楽作品「Anti-Automationism」初演、及び国際現代音楽協会主催「世界音楽の日」(南アフリカ)にて再演。第3回伊勢志摩国際作曲コンクールにて電子音楽作品「Radical  Duality Ⅳ」 特別賞受賞。国際デジタルアートフェスティバル2023(ドイツ)にて映像作品「Digital Hymn」入選。国際映画祭"Puntomov 2023"(メキシコ)にて短編実験映画「Dear your beauty」入選。ABLAZE RECORDより

「circulation in and for turbulence Ⅳ」リリース。アルスエレクトロニカフェスティバル2024にて電子音楽作品「turbulence of time」出展。国際作曲コンクール"Città di Barletta" (イタリア)にて電子音楽作品「turbulence of time Ⅱ」2位受賞。ON SCREEN FESTIVAL 2024(オーストリア)にて映像作品「Digital Hymn Ⅱ」および「de-synthesis」入選。 第五回国際ビデオダンスフェスティバル(FIVRS 2024、ブラジル)にて映像作品「La Passion Avant gardiste」入選。国際マルチメディア・アート・フェスティヴァル2024(セルビア)にてパフォーマンス「Vertigo Ⅲ」入選。国際作曲コンクールLandscape2024(イタリア)にて電子音楽作品「Hyper-real Landscape」3位入賞。その他ヨーロッパ、アジア、アメリカ各国の芸術祭に映像作品・音楽作品・論文発表・パフォーマンス・短編映画で参加。アート団体「SORAE」副代表、 「東京国際思想・芸術クロス」代表。日本映像学会、上智哲学会、米国作曲家作詞家出版者協会(ASCAP)、日本電子音楽協会会員。

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