most of documents are written only in Japanese. If you are interested in those documents, please contact me. I will send you PDF file.
“Practical Way of Radical Duality”
"Radical Duality" is a practical way based on my own ontology beyond arguments of “eternal return” (Deleuze) and speculative realism. In this ontology, I found out “the Time after that” as an extremely creative concept of time which is appearing at the top of capitalism’s dynamism.
In this practice, then, three elements, “Media”, “Theme”, and “Method” define creative acts, correlating to each other.
Any medium used for creative activities is a variable there.
“Method” is a factor which strongly prescribes characteristics of a creator, and is the thought about relations. “Method” decides relations between media, and also “Media” change themselves according to “how these media relate each other”, so each artist should think about “what the meaning of relating is”.
For myself, the relation is “a multiplicity of radical duality which consists of the discrete and the continuous”. For example, I first made a patch of MAX/MSP. In this patch, then, I made two primitive faders ― “the discrete” and “the continuous” ―, whose values affect the whole sound. Additionally I made four faders -”continuation of discreteness”, “discreteness of continuation”, “continuation of continuation”, and “discreteness of discreteness” ― whose values change various parameters of this complex patch.
Since the way “Radical Duality” has media as variables, those variables do not have to be limited to music. We can treat visuals, concepts, digital contents, bodies, photos and so on ― as media, then change completely these forms, defining new relations each time.
(Masafumi Rio Oda)
“Declaration of Non-avant-garde”
This amazing declaration is intended to treat media-art as a simple "thing",
or simple "material" in word of François Laruelle, a french (non-)philosopher.
Here is the "Declaration of Non-avant-garde", which insists following 2 principles:
1. Treating media-art, or any other medias or art-formats as a simple material,
and thinking the way to treat those materials.
An "mixture", such as that of pops and avant-garde music,
tonal and atonal music, or local traditional instruments and western traditional
way, etc. is one of such materials,
but this form must be strongly blamed because of its poverty of imagination.
2. Media-art must not be mere "Tech-demo", but expression of something.
(Masafumi Rio Oda)
河合考治・小森俊明・織田理史 著
・"Generating sounds by using Simplex noise algorithm"(2022)
Korea Electro-Acoustic Music Society's Annual Conference 2022
芸術メディア研究会出版 クロストーク8号寄稿
東京創造芸術祭(TPAF)出版 ART CROSSING第3号寄稿
・"Music Composition from the Outside of Music by using Game Engine"(2021)
Orpheus Doctoral Conference 2021, organized by Orpheus Institute, a Belgium music
芸術メディア研究会出版 クロストーク7号寄稿
・現代映像メディアにおける「ノスタルジー」の特異性について―ドゥルーズの反復哲学の今日的 妥当性をめぐって(2019)